
01 Apr 2014 - New pricing structure

Thank you for your support in using Express Bus for your transport to
and from Dublin Airport. 
In the past twelve months since the LogonHopon inception we have seen
significant growth.
We are now transporting around 5,000 Dublin Airport employees per month
on our service.  

We are continuing to add new features on our LogonHopon website, easier
to read maps, and coming soon;  a halo type app showing real-time
information of the bus on route. 

To ensure the long term sustainability of this exclusive service, as of
the 2nd April 2014 we have no option but to increase fares on certain
routes and times ensuring the viability to our passengers, Please see
table below for more details.

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
10km Span 15km Span 20km Span
1 ticket 6euro 1 ticket 8euro 1 ticket 10euro
10 ticket 55euro 10 ticket 75euro 10 ticket 95euro
20 tickets100euro 20 tickets140euro 20 tickets180euro

If however you wise to continue to avail of our low discounted rates we have a number of excellent packages available that your employer/company can avail of on your behalf. Please ask your company to contact us to discuss the matter further. Benefits include tax saving options etc. We presently offer a number of discounted rates for our passengers and in some cases their company's provide free travel for their employees. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to being of service.

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