
05 Oct 2016 - Logonhopon News

Dear Customers

I would like to thank you for your continued support of our Log On Hop On service to Dublin Airport. We had a number of issues with the service in September. First the web site was hacked and caused a number of major issues with passenger collections and for this we apologise.

Secondly, the main nightmanager got sick and had to attend hospital for two weeks. This caused undue pressure on the assistant managers who unfortunately were not able to maintain the service. 

Thirdly this caused a considerable amount of pressure on our drivers, who against all odds considering the bus strike and increased volume of passengers  tried to maintain service as best they could. 


We would like to commend our drivers who unfortunately took the brunt end of the disappointment shown by our passengers for our bad management.

Express Bus has now recruited a new Night Manager and has dispatched additional buses to increase the level of service to our customers.

We have hired a new IT web company to manage and improve our web site.

We hope you see an improvement in service over the next few days to weeks. We will be introducing a number of improvements to the service over the coming months with the introduction of an APP and more hotspots which will increase service and reduce cost of the tickets.

Again, I would like to apologise for the depleted service you may received in September and thanks you for your continued custom.

If you have any comments please contact us on 018221122.

Alan Martin

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